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Oak Crest

Resident Care Assistants - Cook - Servers

Karen Harris

OTTO – designed, manufactured and precision tested, right here in the USA.

OTTO Engineering Inc.

CASA Kane County is currently seeking VOLUNTEERS!

CASA/GAL stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem. CASAs are specially trained volunteers who become the crucial voice of a child in abuse and neglect cases. Relied upon by judges and most importantly, the children, CASAs are among the most respected volunteers and advocates in the community. If you are 21 or older and have 5-15 hours a month to give a child – YOU can be a CASA!

Karen Harris
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Contact NKCC

20 S. Grove Ave, Suite 101 Carpentersville, IL

Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 pm
Friday’s 9:00 AM -2:00 PM

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